Welcome to Seabreeze

We bring you the best in New Zealand made gifts and souvenirs. If you are looking for a unique and special gift, make sure you browse our store.

We have an extensive range of bone carvings and Greenstone plus a huge range of Art, Paua, Jewellery, Possum wool knitwear, NZ Sheepskin Slippers, local Maori carvings, T shirts/sweatshirts, native wooden gifts – including 21st Keys – the list goes on.

We have great Lay-by terms, please call in or ring us to discuss your options

Pounamu Twist Earrings


These beautiful earrings have a triple twist which symbolises the joining together of two people, peoples, two cultures for eternity, even though they experience highs and lows of life they remain bonded by friendship and loyalty for life.